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서울국제컴퓨터음악제 SICMF


서울국제컴퓨터음악제 SICMF

* 최종수정 : 2024.09.06 정보수정요청

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fest-m 2024

이용우 Yong woo Lee : “Exponential Prelude”(2023) piano trio and live electronics
한예은 Ye Eun Han : “휘(Hwi-)”(2024) 8ch Tape
이원빈 Won bin Lee : “Trolley”(2023) tuba and live electronics
송상근 Sang Geun Song : “자목련(Lily Magnolia)”(2023) Tape
한예빈 Ye bin Han : “LAYERS”(2023) Violin, Haegeum and Electroacoustics
이건우 Geon u Lee : “Particle A”(2023) 2-ch. Tape
안은강 Eun Kang An : “Boundary; Harmony, Discord”(2024) Solo alto Saxophone and Electronics
신은송 Eun song Shin : “Hyperfocus”(2024) for 8ch Tape
신보경 Bo kyung Shin : “Cosmos II”(2023) Radio and 8ch Live Electronics

Concert 1
Thur. Sep. 5 / 5:00 PM @ Art Korea Lab(B1) - 무료공연

크리스 아렐 Chris Arrell : “Spirits and Spectra”(2023) Tape
모리스 라이트 Maurice Wright : “Six Studies”(2024) Audio-visual
티모시 로이 Timothy Roy : “Brompton & Braeswood”(2024) Tape
안토니오 포라스티에로 Antonio Forastiero : “Layer”(2023) Audio-visual
카메론 네일러 Cameron Naylor : “Here One Moment”(2024) Tape

Concert 2
Thur. Sep. 5 / 7:30 PM @CKL Stage(B1)

천 헝 CHEN Heng : “Vox I”(2020) 37 Reed Sheng and Electronics
린 메이팡 LIN Mei-Fangn : “Entre le son et la lumiere”(2015) Tape
쩡 유충 TSENG Yu-Chung : “Points of Departure with 17 Variations”(2010) Tape with complementary visual elements
옌 셩원 YEN Sheng-Wen : “HYPER translation”(2020) Live-Performance
황 치옌 HUANG Chi-Yen : “Penelope for Electronics”(2023) Tape
천 자 후이 CHEN Chia-Hui : “Fusion fissionnee phase1”(2023) Percussion Duo and Audio-visual

Concert 3
Fri. Sep. 6 / 5:00 PM @ Art Korea Lab(B1) - 무료공연

티모시 모이어스 Timothy Moyers : “ Strahlung ”(2021) Audio-visual
크레이머 엘웰 Kramer Elwell : “What Sleeps Beneath ”(2021) Tape
크리스토퍼 몬티 Christopher Monty : “Metal Crusade” Tape
스티븐 웹 Steven Webb : “(co)Axial”(2021) Audio-visual
스티비 J. 수탄토 Stevie J. Sutanto : “Sri Hanuraga dan Karawaci”(2024) Tape

Concert 4
Fri. Sep. 6 / 7:30 PM @CKL Stage(B1)

마이클 팀슨 Michael Timpson : “Parallelities”(2021) for prepared zheng, prepared piano and computer
도하나 Hana Do : “Inanna”(2019) for Guitar and Audio-visual
강민구 Mingkoo Kang : “Door Talk”(2023) Tape
콘스탄티노스 카라타나시스 Konstantinos Karathanasis : “Medusa In Somno ”(2019) Cello and Electronics
마르시리우 오노프레 Marcilio Onofre : “Forgotten bells for a lost father”(2023) for harpsichord and electroacoustic layer
살바토레 시리아노 Salvatore Siriano : Upwelling “(2023)Audio-visual
최지송 Grace Song Choi : “연기, 연기(Fogggg…)”(2024) Haegeum and Audio-visual

Concert 5
Sat. Sep. 7 / 7:30 PM @CKL Stage(B1)

토미슬라브 올리버 Tomislav Oliver : “ Percees de lumiere”(2023) Tenor Saxophone, Electronics and Video
조영재 Youngjae Cho : “mirrored: ceilings, floors, walls”(2023) Tape
김혜원 Hyewon Kim : “Break: word”(2024) Vibraphone and 4ch Tape
장준호 Junho Jang : “A distorted prism ”(2023) Audio-visual
조앙 페드로 올리베이라 Joao Pedro Oliveira : “La Mer Emeraude”(2018) Tape
양민석 Minsuk Yang : “ Dual Illusion II ”(2024)for flute, bass clarinet and live-electronics

Concert 6
Sun. Sep. 8 / 5:00 PM @CKL Stage(B1)

송향숙 Hyang-sook Song : “Trans-Mass ”(2024)ensemble and electronics
오세린 : Serin Oh “ LifeCycles”(2024) Ensemble and Electronic Sounds
전현석 Hyunsuk Jun : “Orbit”(2024) Large Chamber Ensemble and Electronics
조영미 Youngmi Cho : “Mitra ”(2024) Ensemble and Electronics
최지연 Jenny-Jiyoun Choi : “Transcendence”(2024) for ten instruments and electronic

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