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제1061회 하우스콘서트, 왕혜인


제1061회 하우스콘서트, 왕혜인

* 최종수정 : 2024.07.25 정보수정요청
  • 공연기간
    2024.08.27(화) ~ 2024.08.27(화)
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Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 1

Prelude and Fugue No.1 in C major, BWV 846
Prelude and Fugue No.2 in C minor, BWV 847
Prelude and Fugue No.3 in C-sharp major, BWV 848
Prelude and Fugue No.4 in C-sharp minor, BWV 849
Prelude and Fugue No.5 in D major, BWV 850
Prelude and Fugue No.6 in D minor, BWV 851
Prelude and Fugue No.7 in E-flat major, BWV 852
Prelude and Fugue No.8 in E-flat minor, BWV 853
Prelude and Fugue No.9 in E major, BWV 854
Prelude and Fugue No.10 in E minor, BWV 855
Prelude and Fugue No.11 in F major, BWV 856
Prelude and Fugue No.12 in F minor, BWV 857


Prelude and Fugue No.13 in F-sharp major, BWV 858
Prelude and Fugue No.14 in F-sharp minor, BWV 859
Prelude and Fugue No.15 in G major, BWV 860
Prelude and Fugue No.16 in G minor, BWV 861
Prelude and Fugue No.17 in A-flat major, BWV 862
Prelude and Fugue No.18 in G-sharp minor, BWV 863
Prelude and Fugue No.19 in A major, BWV 864
Prelude and Fugue No.20 in A minor, BWV 865
Prelude and Fugue No.21 in B-flat major, BWV 866
Prelude and Fugue No.22 in B-flat minor, BWV 867
Prelude and Fugue No.23 in B major, BWV 868
Prelude and Fugue No.24 in B minor, BWV 869

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